Breast Cancer Care

When it comes to cancer care, rapidly adapting to the newest evidence-based standards becomes essential

We believe that timely, evidence-based, multidisciplinary care creates the backbone for successful cancer care

At MSBGS we believe in excellence, which means working with the best specialists in the field.

This begins with fellowship-trained breast radiologists who first recognize the problem and make the diagnosis, and then involves fellowship-trained breast pathologists who read your biopsy and surgical specimens. From there you will meet a fellowship-trained surgeon, and likely, a medical oncologist and radiation oncologist.

Excellence means that only the best experts in the field are involved in your care.

Personalized Cancer Care

When it comes to the dreaded word “Cancer,” we liken it to having a pet. It could be a pet gold fish, or a pet dragon – which illustrates how different each breast cancer can be.

Our job is to personalize cancer care based on what is right for you, and what is specifically right for your type of cancer. We also recognize that the most care (treatment) often does not equal the best care. With that in mind, we emphasize appropriate, evidenced based de-escalation of treatment within a multidisciplinary team approach.

In other words, treatments are not one-size-fits-all and more is not necessarily better. Our goal is the best outcome, with the fewest long-term effects.

We partner with the best plastic surgeons to complete your care in as few surgeries as possible. This is often in one surgery but can change based on factors like smoking, weight, and diabetes.


  • Breast Biopsies

  • Breast Cancer

    • Nipple sparing mastectomy

    • Skin sparing mastectomy 

    • Breast conservation/lumpectomy

    • Oncoplastic mammoplasty

    • Going Flat

    • Goldilocks Mastectomy

  • Lumpectomy

  • Mastectomy

  • Oncoplastic Mammoplasty

Post Operative Information & Instructions

Our team of caring, supportive individuals are here to guide you through this process